Core Courses
Courses that help participants better understand how congressional actions affect the daily operations of every department and agency in the executive branch.
Congressional Operations Seminar
Navy Capitol Hill Workshop
Congressional Briefing for Presidential Management Fellows
Congressional Briefing for U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Congressional Briefing for the Forest Service
Air Force Capitol Hill Workshop
Understanding Congress: Primer for the Intelligence Community
Seminar for Executives on Legislative Operations
Congress and Foreign Operations
Advanced Courses
Courses that provide an in-depth understanding of the federal budget and appropriations process, the legislative process, and branch relations, designed for individuals who have a good working knowledge of the basics of Congress and the legislative process.
Advanced Budget and Appropriations Process
Advanced Legislative Process
Executive – Legislative Branch Relations
Gain hands-on experience in a specific aspect of working with Congress: such as working with committees and congressional staff, preparing and delivering testimony, and writing budget justifications.
Congressional Justifications Workshop
Preparing and Delivering Congressional Testimony
Working and Communicating with Congress
Short Courses
One-day courses that explain and analyze major events in the Congress. Participants will be able to represent their programs and policies more effectively after taking their courses.
Understanding and Working with Congress
The New Congress
Congressional Update