Advanced Courses
• Advanced Budget and Appropriations Process |
• Advanced Legislative Process |
• Executive – Legislative Branch Relations |
Advanced Legislative Process
This course is designed to assist participants in identifying, analyzing, and following legislation at the various stages in the legislative process. It provides an in-depth, detailed understanding of legislative procedure and strategy for individuals who already have a good working knowledge of the basics of Congress and the legislative process. This two-day course will help participants
March 24 - 25, 2025
Advanced Budget and Appropriations Process
The formulation and enactment of the annual federal budget is a highly complex process that has evolved over time and involves thousands of individuals in both the executive and legislative branches. Both the House and the Senate must vote on the annual Budget Resolution, as well as on the annual appropriations measures. But the process
March 26 - 27, 2025
Legislative Operations Training for Congressional Staff
The Congressional Management Foundation (CMF) and the Government Affairs Institute at Georgetown University (GAI) are pleased to announce that registration is open for our joint two-day training on Legislative Operations for Congressional Staff. CMF and GAI have more than 70 years of combined experience explaining how Congress really works to the public, Executive Branch employees,
Day 1- April 4 and Day 2- April 14
Executive – Legislative Branch Relations
(2 days) Executive – Legislative Branch Relations is designed for anyone who has a need for an in-depth understanding of the myriad forms of interaction between the executive and legislative branches. The course covers the theoretical foundations of the relationship between the branches and focuses specifically on the executive branch role in the lawmaking process,