Congressional Leadership

FY25 Appropriations Politics: Why a Potential Full-Year CR is Relevant to the Fight over Trump Impounding Funds

Matt Glassman | March 6, 2025

On Friday, President Trump endorsed a full-year CR for the FY25 appropriations, which will likely end the appropriations process for this fiscal year. After its failure to enact full year appropriations bills by October 1, Congress has passed a series of continuing resolutions (the first through December 20; a second through

Mister Chairman: Reversing Trends for Women Chairing House Committees

Katina Slavkova | February 12, 2025

Last December, shortly before House Majority Leader Steve Scalise released the Republican Steering Committee’s recommendations for committee chairs in the incoming 119th Congress, former Republican representative from Virginia, Barbara Comstock, objected strongly to initial reporting that no women were being selected for these positions. Two days later when the majority leader’s office formally

Speaker Johnson: Speaker of the House but not of the Majority

Josh Huder | April 15, 2024

As Congress struggles to act on a myriad of challenges, much of the blame – rightly or wrongly – is being laid at Speaker Johnson’s feet. Currently, he stands in the way of foreign aid packages to Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan, an FAA reauthorization, the farm bill, and more. However, the scope of

Disarming the Speaker

Laura Blessing | March 12, 2024

Another shutdown threat barely averted, and another stopgap spending bill passed with more to follow, while major legislation stagnates. If this feels familiar, you’re not alone. But how difficult is this moment we’re in? Congress has been derided as a “do nothing” institution before: in 1880, in 1948, and more recently with the divided government

Second Verse, Same as the First: 2024 Appropriations Watch

Katina Slavkova | January 10, 2024

After a chaotic and historically unproductive first session, the 118th Congress appears to be off to a more hopeful start in the new year. Recent news indicating congressional leaders have finally secured an agreement on the top-line numbers for funding the federal government for the remainder of FY24 is certainly

The Worst Job in Washington: Kevin McCarthy and the Challenge of the Speakership

GAI | August 1, 2023

By Matthew Green, Professor, Department of Politics (The Catholic University of America) The past seven months have made it abundantly clear that the House speakership is one of the most difficult jobs in Washington. In January, for the first time in a century, the majority party’s nominee for speaker – Kevin McCarthy of California –

The Debt Ceiling and the Appropriations Process

Katina Slavkova | May 3, 2023

The partisan and intra-branch posturing on the debt ceiling, on display since January, has finally yielded actual legislative text.  Last week Speaker Kevin McCarthy successfully shepherded his conference to pass a debt ceiling bill, accurately characterized as a “bare-minimum victory on a doomed bill.” This description of the House GOP’s initial bargaining offer perfectly

Democrats and the Debt Ceiling

Josh Huder | October 7, 2021

Debt ceiling politics is front and center in Congress as the US is scheduled to default on its accrued debt October 18. (For a good explainer on the debt ceiling I recommend my colleague Laura Blessing’s piece.) So far, Senate Republicans have filibustered Democrats’ attempts to raise the debt ceiling. Instead, Minority

Democrats in disarray? The surprisingly normal politics of infrastructure negotiations

Matt Glassman | September 8, 2021

On August 24th, the House adopted S.Con.Res.14, the congressional budget resolution for Fiscal Year 2022 previously adopted by the Senate on August 11th, setting up consideration of a $3.5T package of spending under the reconciliation process. The budget resolution was adopted 220-212 in the House and 50-49 in the Senate, with every Democrat

Stretching Processes and Avoiding Reform: Senate Reconciliation and Filibuster

Josh Huder | April 8, 2021

News dropped Monday the Senate Parliamentarian would allow Democrats to “revise” the budget resolution for fiscal year 2021. This is an important guidance because it would enable Democrats to pursue another round of reconciliation – a process outlined in the 1974 Budget and Impoundment Control Act allowing for Senate passage of budget-related

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