Politifact Article quotes Senior Fellow Josh Huder
GAI | April 26, 2016
A recent Politifact article breaks down a claim that Senator Bernie Sander’s income places him in the top 1 percent. Based on his congressional salary alone, Sen. Bernie Sanders hardly qualify for the top 1 percent. Even if one considers the various benefits and “perks” of serving in the Senate, it is probably a stretch to suggest he is in the top 1 percent. Senior Fellow Josh Huder assesses that in order to reach the top 1 percent, he would have to be “dramatically and egregiously breaking ethics laws and Senate rules.” In addition, he pointed out that “There really aren’t many perks for members…” “And without breaking the law, Sanders would have nearly an impossible time collecting enough gifts and travel reimbursement to raise his income to the level of the top 1 percent.” You can read the entire article here.
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