Congressional Update

This 1-day class is intended to explain and analyze the major events that have occurred in the First Session of a Congress, and examine what is likely to occur as Congress finalizes work in the Second Session and prepares for elections in November.

Specific topics may include:

  • Significant legislative accomplishments of the 118th Congress and the anticipated legislative agenda for the remainder of the Second Session
  • An update and analysis of issues concerning the federal budget and FY24 appropriations process
  • A look ahead to potential 2024 election impacts

NOTE: If a class is indicated that it will be conducted in an online format expect a mix of live virtual sessions/instruction and a few supplemental components to be completed independently. We will provide additional details to all enrolled participants as we get a little closer to the start date of the class, however, please expect the live online portions to run roughly from 9am – 3pm on most days with short breaks throughout the day and a longer break for lunch.


Upcoming Date:






Next Course: TBA
