Congressional Operations Seminar
This core course provides a comprehensive look at congressional processes and organization, and at how Congress affects the daily operations of every department and agency in the executive branch.
The Congressional Operations Seminar, which we have been conducting for more than 40 years, is the first course most participants take with GAI.
Like most Government Affairs Institute courses, the Congressional Operations Seminar is conducted on Capitol Hill in order to provide a first-hand understanding of congressional processes and procedure, as well as the “culture” that is the United States Congress.
Over the course of the week, participants will hear from – and be afforded the opportunity to ask questions of – Members of Congress, congressional committee and personal staff, political scientists, outside interests and news media representatives.
Topics may include:
- Leadership and organization in Congress
- Key stages in the authorization process
- The budget and appropriations process
- Congressional committee and floor procedure
- Representing constituent interests
- The role of committee staff
- Congressional oversight of the executive branch
- The relationship between the media and Congress
- The role of special interests in policy formulation
Participants will also be given the opportunity to attend congressional committee hearings and/or observe floor action when Congress is in session.
Target Audience:
This course is open to participants from all government agencies, as well as nongovernmental organizations. It is designed to help federal personnel and others better understand the ways in which congressional actions affect the daily operations of every department and agency in the executive branch.
Meets Executive Core Qualifications 1, 4, and 5.
NOTE: If a class is indicated that it will be conducted in an online format expect a mix of live virtual sessions/instruction and a few supplemental components to be completed independently. We will provide additional details to all enrolled participants as we get a little closer to the start date of the class, however, please expect the live online portions to run roughly from 9am – 3pm on most days with short breaks throughout the day and a longer break for lunch.
2025 Dates:
March 31 – April 3, 2025 ***WAIT LIST ONLY***
May 12 – 15, 2025 ***WAIT LIST ONLY***
June 9 – 12, 2025
July 21 – 24, 2025 ***ONLINE SESSION***
October 6 – 9, 2025
December 8 – 11, 2025
Tuition: $2,090
Next Course: March 31 - April 3, 2025 ***WAIT LIST ONLY***