Congress and Intelligence Policy

Through much of our country’s history, Congress was largely deferential to the executive branch in the conduct of intelligence policy, and hesitant to conduct meaningful oversight of intelligence operations. That all changed in the 1970s with the Church Committee hearings in the Senate and the Pike Committee hearings in the House, and the establishment of permanent select intelligence committees in both chambers. Further reforms have been enacted over the years, particularly in 2004. Nonetheless, there are still significant challenges in the relationship between the branches in the area of intelligence policy. This course will examine congressional efforts to assert its constitutional authority in intelligence policy making, including oversight, without compromising the ability of the intelligence community to carry out its responsibilities in an effective manner.

Specific topics may include:

  • The history of congressional oversight of intelligence
  • The committees involved in intelligence policy and oversight
  • Jurisdictional issues in Congress on intelligence matters
  • The recent reorganization of the intelligence function
  • Intelligence reporting requirements

Research Seminars meet approximately four times for two hours, over the course of 12 weeks. The first meeting date is published, with the others determined at the first class.

NOTE: If a class is indicated that it will be conducted in an online format expect a mix of live virtual sessions/instruction and a few supplemental components to be completed independently. Participants will receive course information with syllabus and online access details approximately a week before the start date.

Download the Certificate Program Application (PDF) and review the Application Procedures.


2025 Dates:

March 26, 2025 (first class meeting) WAIT LIST ONLY ***ONLINE SESSION***

November 5, 2025 (first class meeting) ***ONLINE SESSION***

Tuition: $1,400


Next Course: March 26, 2025 (first class meeting) WAIT LIST ONLY ***ONLINE SESSION***
