Director’s Desk
Director’s desk
Kristin Nicholson | April 1, 2020
Dear Friends, How the world has changed in the few weeks since we last connected. I hope you and your loved ones are healthy and safe as we all navigate this uncertain terrain. As always, we are mindful of the countless contributions of our federal workforce as every agency plays its part to meet the
Director’s Desk
Dear Friends, How the world has changed in the few weeks since we last connected. I hope you and your loved ones are healthy and safe as we all navigate this uncertain terrain. As always, we are mindful of the countless contributions of our federal workforce as every agency plays its part to meet the
Director’s Desk
Kristin Nicholson | March 10, 2020
Dear Friends, Like all of you, we at GAI are keenly aware of concerns regarding the coronavirus (COVID-19), and we are tracking developments and public health guidance closely. At this time, there are no changes to our current class schedule. The Capitol campus remains open to the public, and health and safety measures are being
Director’s Desk
Kristin Nicholson | February 4, 2020
Dear Friends, From last night’s debacle in Iowa to the conclusion of the Senate impeachment trial, February is certainly off to a dramatic start. Even tonight’s State of the Union address, typically the subject of wall-to-wall media coverage, threatens to be overshadowed by other events. This month, Congress will also begin to
Director’s Desk
Kristin Nicholson | January 9, 2020
Dear Friends, Happy New Year! I hope you all enjoyed a restful holiday because January is not going to be easing us into 2020 gently. For Capitol Hill watchers, this month will be full of intrigue. While Speaker Pelosi continues to hold on to the House impeachment articles passed in December, indications are that
Kristin Nicholson | December 5, 2019 Dear Friends, While December is often a chaotic sprint on Capitol Hill, this year promises to be more intense and unpredictable than ever. Unfortunately, by now we’ve gotten used to holding our collective breath through year-end congressional wrangling over spending bills. True to form, the clock is ticking on a December 20 deadline to approve Kristin Nicholson | November 4, 2019 Dear Friends, We’ve entered the home stretch of the first session of the 116th Congress. This is a time when we typically see the pace (and anxiety) tick up dramatically on must-pass legislation like the annual appropriations bills and the National Defense Authorization Act. Meanwhile, members are scrambling to try to hitch rides on these Kristin Nicholson | October 3, 2019 Dear Friends, This last week has brought with it a whirlwind of activity. While we always have an eye on the federal appropriations process and how it affects your agencies, the fact that a Continuing Resolution was passed, as predicted by our last newsletter, got virtually no bandwith. The federal government is now funded Kristin Nicholson | September 11, 2019 Dear Friends, Every summer must come to an end, and in Washington the arrival of September and the return of Congress can be felt everywhere. There’s lots of action on the Hill, which is contending with an ever-shrinking window of opportunity for any major legislative efforts before the presidential contest becomes all-consuming. One of the Kristin Nicholson | July 2, 2019 Dear Friends: Congress is taking a breather this week, and hopefully you will have a chance to do the same. When the action picks back up next week, look for the House to take up the FY2020 National Defense Authorization Act (the Senate passed its version in June). We might also see continued work
Director’s Desk
Director’s Desk
Director’s Desk
Director’s Desk
Director’s Desk