Director’s Desk
Director’s Desk
Kristin Nicholson | November 2, 2021
Dear Friends, If last week felt like a rerun of the end of September on Capitol Hill, you’re not alone. Once again, House Democratic leaders tried and failed to bring up bipartisan infrastructure legislation for a vote, while various members and factions continued their negotiations and position-taking on the sprawling Build Back Better reconciliation
Director’s Desk
Kristin Nicholson | October 7, 2021
Dear Friends, We promised you an intense fall, and Congress has definitely delivered. With four whole hours to spare, on September 30 President Biden signed a Continuing Resolution providing FY22 funding through December 3. But the real drama that ushered in October concerned the fate of the bipartisan infrastructure bill and the Democrats’
Director’s Desk
Kristin Nicholson | September 8, 2021
Dear Friends, I hope everyone had a safe and relaxing summer. As usual, September arrives on Capitol Hill with a packed and frantic legislative calendar. The difference this year is that the activity will be even more intense than normal. Consider the congressional to-do list this month: passing government funding by September 30, lifting
Director’s Desk
Dear Friends, I hope everyone had a wonderful July 4th holiday. This week finds relative quiet on the Hill, with both chambers of Congress on a district break. But don’t be fooled: there is an intense whirlwind of activity brewing. The center of the action right now is in committees, where legislative language is being
Director’s Desk
Kristin Nicholson | June 4, 2021
Dear Friends, President Biden released his Fiscal Year 2022 budget proposal a week ago, setting up a flurry of budget and appropriations work as soon as the House returns from its Memorial Day recess. While the Senate may follow with mark-ups in July, it remains highly likely that few, if any, of the funding
Director’s Desk
Kristin Nicholson | May 5, 2021
Dear Friends, The House may not be in session this week, but there’s still plenty of drama surrounding Congresswoman Liz Cheney’s (R-WY) future in House leadership. Cheney, the GOP Conference Chair, easily survived a challenge earlier this year following her vote to impeach former President Trump. But her colleagues have grown increasingly vocal
Director’s Desk
Kristin Nicholson | April 8, 2021
Dear Friends, I hope you are all enjoying spring wherever you are. It may be recess time for the House and Senate, but there’s still plenty happening in Washington. President Biden has unveiled a massive infrastructure proposal , and his administration is busy selling the plan to Congress and around the country.
Director’s Desk
Kristin Nicholson | March 2, 2021
Dear Friends, March is coming in like a lion on the Hill, where a ferocious legislative schedule kicked off yesterday. Action on the latest pandemic-relief package moves to the Senate, following House passage over the weekend. Although the minimum-wage hike will definitely be removed, it remains to be seen how many other changes
Director’s Desk
Dear Friends, Where to begin? The 117th Congress is underway, with an intense agenda that has not been slowed by the pandemic-related constraints under which members and staff are forced to work. Acting on President Biden’s cabinet nominees and other key appointments is the immediate priority for Majority Leader Schumer’s Senate, even though
Director’s Desk
Dear Friends, It has been a devastating week for our country, and for all of us at GAI who have spent so many years studying, following, and working in Congress. We care deeply about this institution and send our thoughts to all those who were affected by last week’s events and continue to struggle with