Director’s Desk
Dear Friends,
I hope everyone had a wonderful July 4th holiday. This week finds relative quiet on the Hill, with both chambers of Congress on a district break. But don’t be fooled: there is an intense whirlwind of activity brewing.
The center of the action right now is in committees, where legislative language is being drafted for an infrastructure package, budget resolutions and reconciliation measures are being prepared, and FY22 appropriations mark-ups are ongoing. Meanwhile, the newly-created House Select Committee on the January 6th Insurrection will begin work soon, though it remains unclear which (if any) Republican members will round out the committee’s roster.
For lots more on the impending legislative logjam, read on for this month’s newsletter article by GAI Fellow Katina Slavkova.
Please stay in touch on Twitter, keep listening to our podcast, and watch the calendar for upcoming courses of interest. While all of our open-enrollment classes remain virtual for the moment, we hope to resume in-person training as soon as circumstances allow and will keep you posted on any updates to the schedule.
All the best,