Newsletter: June 4, 2013 June 4, 2013 | Summer Update
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GAI On The Hill Summer Update

Introducing the Redesigned GAI Website: New Tools and Information to Better Serve Our Participants and Readers

Today we are pleased to introduce our new website, designed to make it easier for you to find the right courses to meet your needs, as well as news, updates, and analysis from our expert faculty. Our goal is to have our website reflect GAI’s mission, which is twofold. First, to provide current, accurate, and unbiased information about those issues most important to our participants and readers: federal spending, the political dynamics of the current Congress, relations between the executive and legislative branches, and critical issues on the legislative agenda.

The second part of our mission is to provide insight and perspective on how and why Congress works the way it does: for example, explaining why passing legislation in the Senate is vastly different than passing legislation in the House, why it takes 60 votes to pass anything in the Senate, and what the “nuclear option” means, as Marian explains in her article below.

In short, the goal of our website is to reflect GAI’s mission of enabling executive branch personnel and others with an interest in federal programs to better understand how Congress works, so that they can more effectively plan, manage, and budget for those programs, and to ultimately provide for a better working relationship between the branches of government.

We invite you to take a look at our new website. See how you like it, and let us know if you’d like to see any further additions or changes. We look forward to hearing from you.

– The faculty and staff of the Government Affairs Institute

Nuclear Showdown
By Marian Currinder, Senior Fellow | June 4, 2013

Earlier this year a good faith, bipartisan deal was made in the Senate to put minor limits on the use of the filibuster on legislation. But this effort apparently did not tamp down the intense partisanship. In response, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid is laying the rhetorical groundwork for much more aggressive reform later this summer.

This time around he is considering “going nuclear” by doing away with the 60-vote threshold on all judicial and executive branch nominations in response to Republican threats to block three nominations—Richard Cordray to head the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, Gina McCarthy to head the EPA, and Thomas Perez to head Labor. [More »]

Upcoming Government Affairs Institute Courses

Navy Capitol Hill Workshop

June 10 – 13, 2013 Over the four days, participants will hear from – and be afforded the opportunity to ask questions of – Members of Congress, congressional staff, academic observers, interest groups representatives, news media representatives, and executive branch officials, including Navy Office of Legislative Affairs staff.

[More »]

Congressional Operations Seminar

July 22 – 26, 2013 This five-day course provides a comprehensive look at congressional processes and organization, and at how Congress affects the daily operations of every department and agency in the executive branch. Like most Government Affairs Institute courses, the Congressional Operations Seminar is conducted on Capitol Hill in order to provide a first-hand understanding of congressional processes and procedure, as well as the “culture” that is the United States Congress. [More »]

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