Midterm Election Preview
GAI | November 1, 2018
Matt, Laura, and Josh discuss the upcoming congressional elections.
Jennifer Shutt, Appropriations, and Breaking News
Mark, Matt, and Josh have special guest Jennifer Shutt to talk appropriations until breaking news about Brett Kavanaugh’s nomination interrupts. Come for Capuano impersonations, stay for the appropriations news.
SCOTUS and the Senate
GAI | September 10, 2018
Josh, Laura and Matt talk with Todd Ruger about SCOTUS and Brett Kavanaugh’s nomination on the latest GAI podcast.
Appropriations, Intelligence, and Impeachment
GAI | July 27, 2018
Josh, Mark, and Katina discuss status of appropriations, some intelligence related matters and impeachment.
NATO, NDAA, and Defense Politics With Connor O’Brien
GAI | July 13, 2018
Special Guest Connor O’Brien joins Matt, Mark, and Josh to talk about NATO, the NDAA, and defense politics in Congress.
House Leadership, the Supreme Court, and the 2018 Election with Tim Alberta
GAI | June 29, 2018
Special Guest Tim Alberta (@TimAlberta), Chief Political Correspondent for Politico Magazine joins Matt, Mark, and Laura to discuss leadership in the House, the Supreme Court vacancy, and the 2018 election.
Immigration in the House
GAI | June 15, 2018
Matt, Mark, and Josh discuss immigration in the House.
Congressional Staff with Casey Burgat
Josh Huder | May 24, 2018
Special Guest Casey Burgat of the R Street Institute joins Josh, Laura, and Matt to talk about congressional staff.
House Leadership, Floor Votes, and the House Chaplain With Matt Fuller
GAI | May 11, 2018
Special Guest Matt Fuller joins Matt, Mark, and Josh to talk about the future congressional leaders, the House Chaplain controversy, and reading lips from the House gallery.
Leadership, Politics, and Congress With James Wallner
Special Guest James Wallner joins Matt, Mark, and Josh to talk about his vision of politics and the problems of the contemporary Congress