
117th Congress Review and 118th Predictions

GAI | December 19, 2022

The Congress: Two Beers In crew ditch beer for bourbon as they discuss what happened in the 117th Congress. They also opine on the new Republican majority in the House, whether a Speaker will be elected on January 3, and the effects of an expanded Democratic majority in the Senate.

Matt Green on Newt Gingrich and Party Politics

GAI | November 1, 2022

Gingrich Transforms the Party and Congress Professor Matt Green joins Laura and Josh to talk about his new book (with Jeff Crouch): Newt Gingrich: The Rise and Fall of a Party Entrepreneur.  Gingrich is contextualized in the ways he did -and didn’t- act as a congressional change agent.  

The January 6th Committee and Lots of Other Stuff

Josh Huder | June 24, 2022

Josh and Matt are joined by political scientist and Bloomberg Opinion writer Jonathan Bernstein. We talk about the January 6th investigation, the committee’s presentations, American democracy, Watergate, House leadership, and several other topics that didn’t make it into this description.

What’s happening in the Senate? A lot or nothing?

Josh Huder | June 6, 2022

Josh and Mark are joined by James Wallner, senior fellow at the R Street Institute and lecturer at Clemson University, to discuss why the Senate is doing a lot and nothing all at the same time.

Congress and Foreign Policy with Jason Steinbaum

Mark and Matt are joined by 30-year Hill veteran and former staff director of the House Foreign Affairs Committee Jason Steinbaum to discuss the role of Congress in foreign policy.

Supreme Court Nominations with Sue Lagon

Mark and Matt chat with Sue Lagon about the upcoming Supreme Court nomination, and also discuss the “framework” deal for FY22 appropriations.

The end of the first session of the 117th Congress

Mark, Matt, and Josh talk about what did and did not happen in the first session of the 117th Congress, and look forward to 2022 in Congress.

New Congress, Two Beers In w/ Marina Omar

GAI | October 21, 2021

Professor Marina Omar joins Laura for the podcast to help us make sense of Afghanistan: what she’d add to the current conversation, her fieldwork, what it was like doing interviews in Afghanistan, what larger lessons Afghanistan has for us, and how her personal experience as an Afghan woman who escaped the Taliban informs what’s going

The Senate with Greg Koger

Josh and Matt and special guest Greg Koger discuss the Senate, congressional dysfunction, and some Florida politics. Greg is Professor of Political Science at Miami University, and the author of Filibustering: A Political History of Obstruction in the House and Senate. You can find him on Twitter @GregoryKoger.

Earmarks with Kevin Kosar

Mark and Matt sit down with Kevin Kosar, Resident Scholar at AEI, to discuss earmarks.

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