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Attempting to oust the Speaker of the House offers short-term nothing for long-term discomfort

Reports emerged yesterday of a plan among House Freedom Caucus (HFC) members to oust Speaker Pelosi via a “motion to vacate the chair.” This motion has been a more frequent political tool recently. In 2015, the HFC used it against Speaker Boehner and threatened to do so again against Speaker Ryan in 2018 as a discharge petition to

Congress, its power, and the filibuster

Josh and Matt talk with Josh Chafetz, Professor of Law at Georgetown University, to talk Congress, its power, and the potential for filibuster reform in the Senate.

Presidential nominations and Party Politics with David Karol

Laura and Josh talk with David Karol about the VP-stakes, party changes, and presidential nominations.

Sarah Binder on Congress and coronavirus politics

Josh and Mark talk with Sarah Binder, Brookings Senior Fellow and professor of political science at George Washington University, about Congress and the politics affecting its coronavirus responses.

Pandemic, Two Beers In.

Matt, Mark, and Josh discuss Congress’s coronavirus response, remote voting, and what happens when too many lawmakers get sick.

Remote voting would have some bad consequences.

Amid a growing pandemic where social interaction could threaten health, many questions have been raised about the continuity of operations on Capitol Hill. Not for the first time, remote voting is among the ideas being floated. It has been more frequently mentioned in congressional discourse since smartphones became commonplace. Over the past couple of weeks, however,

The Senate, post-impeachment, with James Wallner

Special guest James Wallner joins Matt, Josh, and Mark to talk about the Senate “trial,” and why Senators no longer act. James Wallner is a Senior Fellow at the R Street Institute, a former senior staffer in the Senate, and the author of several books on the Senate. He tweets from @jiwallner, can be found

Polarization vs Partisanship in the Context of the Impeachment Debate

“Polarization” is used as a near blanket explanation for anything political, from congressional dysfunction and lack of compromise to disdain for the opposite party. And now, it is also to blame for the impeachment, the trial, and the impending acquittal of President Trump. Except it isn’t, at least not entirely. While polarization has become a

An Impeachment Trial in the Senate

Matt and Josh discuss the politics surrounding the Senate impeachment trial. Also vote stacks came up somehow.

Impeachment, Appropriations, and almost Shutdowns

Mark and Josh discuss impeachment, appropriations, and continuing resolutions with CQ reporter Jennifer Shutt.

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