Director’s Desk

Kristin Nicholson | May 3, 2022

Dear Friends,

Last night’s extraordinary release of a draft Supreme Court opinion appearing to overturn the landmark Roe v Wade decision has ensured abortion rights will dominate the conversation on and off the Hill this month, and likely for remainder of this Congress. Expect lots more talk about eliminating the filibuster in order to codify abortion rights into law, but given the current make-up of the Senate (and the Democratic Party) it will remain just talk.

Ukraine will continue to be a major topic of discussion on the Hill, with a huge new aid proposal under consideration. In today’s newsletter, GAI Fellow Katina Slavkova shares an excellent look at the FY2023 defense authorization and funding outlook, including the potential impact of Ukraine assistance on the process (which might not be what you’d expect).

Meanwhile, with congressional primary elections coming almost every Tuesday for the next couple of months, we’ll also start to get a clearer sense of the key House and Senate races set to shape the 118th Congress (and in many ways, even the remainder of the 117th).

If the issues dominating the agenda on Capitol Hill have you looking for a better understanding of Senate procedure, defense funding, electoral politics, or a host of other topics, we can help! We have upcoming classes that provide a broad overview of congressional operations, or a deeper dive into legislative process, budget and appropriations, and working with Congress. As always, let me know if I can help develop on-site training tailored for your organization.

All the best,


Categories: Director's Desk, Media Center, Updates