Director’s Desk

Dear Friends:

Happy New Year! As Washington begins to thaw, Congress returns for the second session of the 115th Congress facing a serious to-do list and a short window before (even more) attention is consumed by the November elections.  If you want some great perspective on what’s ahead for the year in Congress, featuring key insights from GAI faculty and special guest speakers, be sure to check out our next Congressional Update, scheduled for January 24. This one-day class will give you all the information you need to make sense of the political dynamics, spending decisions, and critical agenda items facing Congress in 2018. Find out more or sign up here.

In this issue of the newsletter, GAI Senior Fellow Matt Glassman takes a look at the FY2018 appropriations process. His article breaks down the reasons why the uphill climb to pass spending bills has become more fraught than ever and provides some predictions about where we’re headed this year.

From all of us at GAI, best wishes for a wonderful 2018, and we hope to see you in class this year!


Kristin Nicholson is the Director of the Government Affairs Institute