Director’s Desk

Greetings, friends. We’re getting deeper into the 2nd session of the 115th Congress, and the year certainly has not been short on drama thus far. Now that we’ve made it through two mini-shutdowns and resolved some of the more contentious  fiscal debates, Senior Fellow Josh Huder walks us through what to expect from Congress for the rest of the year (hint: not a lot of legislating).

I also want to highlight a couple of the great classes GAI has coming up this month. On March 19 and 20, we’ll be running our advanced course on Executive-Legislative Branch Relations, and on March 20 and 21, we’ll offer an interactive class on Working and Communicating More Effectively With Congress. Visit our website to register or find out more about these and other upcoming courses.

Hope to see you soon!


Kristin Nicholson is the Director of the Government Affairs Institute